Education, Community News, & More
You have a lot of options when it comes to finding memory care and support for someone you love. With all of these options, it can be easy to get overwhelmed. The key is to…
Now that you have reached retirement age, are you living your desired retirement lifestyle? Are you making the most of your days? Are you meeting new people and experiencing new things? Senior living communities offer…
Part of feeling “at home” is a sense of comfort and safety, but what if there are unknown hazards in your house that are impacting safety? Ensuring your home continues to be safe for you…
It is the beginning of a new year, so it is the perfect time for a fresh start. If you are looking for a change and want to start a rewarding and purposeful career, the…
You want what is best for your loved one. That is why you initially took on the role of being their primary caregiver. However, now your parent or family member is moving into a senior…
You’ve built your life in your home, so it’s natural to want to stay there; most older adults and their family members feel this way. But over time, your needs and wants may change. You…
Senior living is not a “one-size-fits-all” solution. We each have our own set of preferences and care needs. The good news is that the world of senior living has changed over the years. Today’s different…
ORANGE BEACH, AL | September 1, 2021 – Community Senior Life (CSL), a 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization based in Orange Beach, Alabama announced the reformation of EastChase Senior Living to Haven Memory Care on Halcyon. Previously offering both assisted…
Whether we realize it or not, we all crave natural light. Each morning we push our curtains to the edges of our windows, letting as much of the sunlight in as possible. We get excited…